Monday, August 29, 2011

Attitude Matters

It's amazing how much of a difference your attitude makes. I think that's sort of common knowledge but lately I've been thinking about people who have made me angry and consistently it has been their attitude that has done it. I have a very low tolerance for rude and arrogant people. People often say "You won't get anywhere with that attitude", but that's not really true is it? Rude and arrogant people are everywhere and they're successful. Now that's annoying.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today I was having a really crappy day. I was cranky before I even opened my eyes. As I was driving on the highway I thought, I should talk about something nice, because this blog has quickly just become a place for me to complain and that's not the point of it. So, nice things.

#1. I like it when people move out of your way on the highway when you're trying to get onto it from the ramp. That's nice.
#2. Movies. I was very frustrated today and I was wondering how I could just get over it and relax, so I put on a movie and completely forgot about my crappy day.
#3. Food. I know that you're not supposed to reward yourself with food, but food is good, even more so when it's good for you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Point of the Story

I think people abuse the phrase "right to free speech". It seems that every time any sort of restriction is implemented or suggested people automatically shield themselves with "I have the right to free speech" Same happens whenever a person decides to say something stupid in an inappropriate setting. Take the story of the teacher from the post below as an example. Does he have the right to believe that allowing gay marriage is horrible? Sure. Does he have the right to say it? Probably. Should he have said it on a Facebook where he had over 700 friends, some of whom were probably his students, their parents? Definitely not. So yes people have the right to express their beliefs but if they do it in the wrong setting they should be prepared for the consequences of it and not cry out "free speech". Free speech is a right given to citizens of many countries based on the belief that said citizens have the intellectual capacity to distinguish between right and wrong between opinion and hate speech, between a statement being informative/expressive and destructive. But people seem to completely ignore that. They choose to believe that free speech is the right to spew any stupid thought that comes to their mind. Maybe there should be a mandatory class on free speech for all citizens, that way people will learn what it actually means.

Free Speech.

What exactly is it?

A few days ago I read a story about a mother (who works as a teacher) who was suing the state of Missouri because a law forbidding teachers from contacting students on non-educational websites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. was preventing her from being able to speak to her own daughter on Facebook. Now it seems reasonable enough that a mother should be able to contact her daughter, so having an exemption for family members seems like the obvious answer. However, the suit brought out a lot of anger from teachers and students alike who feel that they should be allowed to talk to whomever they want, after all they have the right to free speech, right?

Now, I don't really see the reasoning here. I love the Internet, I spend hours using it. I have at least one account on various social networks but I never had any desire to "follow"or "friend" any of my teachers. Some teachers and students argue that Facebook is a convenient way to contact the teacher if the student is having homework problems etc. But these days most schools provide students and teachers with school board sanctioned e-mail addresses for situations like these. Besides, what ever happened to teachers answering questions in class? I really do not understand the constant NEED for teachers and students to be in touch. I really don't think there is one. And I definitely don't see to be an issue of free speech. I don't see how in any way a teacher is slighted by not being able to contact a student at his or her whim.

The main reason for the law is to keep sexual predators away. Personally I think that there more reasons for to discourage student-teacher contact outside of school. For one there is no reason for it, school is school and home is home. Constant contact even if only school related would allow teachers to expect their students to regularly check their social network accounts in anticipation of an assignment. Sure, some teachers wouldn't bother to do any work outside of the hours they are being paid for but there definitely are ones who think that children should be learning at all times and because they are teachers they are to be listened to. It also leaves out the students who aren't members of the social networks. Moreover, it can imply favoritism. When a teacher comments on photographs of one student but not the other it's an action that is very noticeable to young people. Sure, that kind of thing can happen in class as well but why take it outside of class and make the kids feel bad about themselves at home too? Not being able to comment on a child's vacation photo does not in any way take away the teachers' right for free speech.

If anything having all of that contact with children outside of classroom actually limits the teachers' free speech if you ask me. Recently a teacher was suspended because of her blog in which she complained about her students being lazy and worthless. Of course parents of the children were outraged while other teachers supported her right to free speech. Now, she never intended her students to read the blog but it was public and anyone with a knowledge of working a search engine could have access to it, which is basically what happened. A case which is more relevant to this is that of a teacher who used his Facebook account as a forum to express his disdain at the state of New York for legalizing gay marriage. The school board is investigating weather or not the issue violated its' ethics rules and until they make a final decision he has been placed in an administrative position where he has no contact with the students. So I wonder why all those teachers who are so adamant about being able to communicate with students on social networks want to put themselves in that position. Why would you want to have to watch everything you say or your friends say for a fear that you may lose your job? What if your friend posts a picture of your weekend partying and tags you in it and it's there for your students and their parents to see? Surely there will be a mother or a father who will have an issue with you and take it up with the school board. So why risk it?

I am not a fan of legislating every single thing in the world but I understand why it happens. The second a teacher sends an inappropriate message to a student the parents, provided that they're made aware of it, would sue the school board and of course they don't want that. So this law is a way of protecting themselves. To me it just seems that it would be common sense for teachers and students (and their parents) to not fraternize outside of school. And I really cannot see how this kind of communication ban is taking away any sort of rights from the teachers.

By the way, the law refers to minors so it does not apply to college/university/trade school students, at least not the ones over 18, I am not really sure how it works with the few who have yet to turn 18 when they graduate high school.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

YouTube Ruined My Life: EmilyNoel83

I thought that today I would talk a little bit about another YouTuber I am a big fan of. The name of her channel is EmilyNoel83 and she is a "beauty guru". I used to be all about watching beauty videos on YouTube until every single person that I was subscribed to was making mainly sponsored videos.

I am fine with sponsored videos, I am fine with people being sent stuff for free but if you only do videos you get paid for (aside from google partnership) you're not being very helpful. I've been subscribed to "gurus" who in one video raved about a product and said that they would use it all the time but then they never used said product again. If you're telling girls that they definitely should buy this or that but you yourself never use it, you are obviously saying that only for the money.

EmilyNoel83 is not one of those gurus. She is older than most gurus, which is nice because she's had a lot of experience with make up and even life. (She's under 30 I believe so don't think that older means OLDER) However, this does not mean that she cannot appeal to younger girls, she does. I think even more so than many younger gurus because she is not obsessed with expensive brands of make up. She uses all kinds of make up, from $1/ piece E.L.F, to higher end Urban Decay or Too Faced or MAC. So she can help a girl/woman find a nice make-up look on a budget or teach her how to do a more unique look with products from more expensive brands.

Her tutorials are not only very easy to follow but they are also very eloquent and interesting thanks to the fact that she is a news anchor and was clearly born to be one. She posts videos quite regularly and has unique ideas for them.

My favorite things about EmilyNoel83:
#1. She uses inexpensive and expensive makeup, and she reviews both fairly
#2. She does not accept payment for reviews or making specific videos (she does get sent free stuff and she always mentions if she got something for free)
#3. Her make-up looks, reviews and advice videos are unique and not recycled over and over.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Workout Wednesday

Today I had a really good workout. I did a lot of different stuff, like stretches and...stuff. I guess I'm not really good at naming exercises. But basically I did a lot of different things and I feel good now. As far as food, I did fine. I'm sort of wondering if I am having too much sugar or not. I don't add sugar to anything but I do like syrup on my waffles and I just some frosting thing. I guess I probably could've had less of it but it's so good, stopping is difficult. I haven't been working out everyday lately. I guess I sort of gave up a bit because I really haven't been losing weight and I don't see much of a change in my energy and muscles, but I will try to keep at it and concentrate on doing more of a variety exercises and try to switch it up every little while, I think that might help to at least make my muscles stronger. I'm still trying to find better food options. I figure that even if I have a not very healthy dinner with the rest of the family, all my other meals can be healthy.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011


Today I cleaned. Tomorrow I will do something interesting. Now I will sleep.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Doncha hate it?


cowboy take me away. im listening to that song right now. it was recommended to me by YouTube. I have no affiliation with YouTube. I should because I'm pretty sure that I singlehandedly made a lot of youtubers rich. ok probably not singlehandedly but I helped a lot. I basically live on youtube. I don't really know what life was like before it. I mean there once was a time when i wanted to hear a particular song but I didn't own it so I had to wait all day and hope that it would come on the radio, now I can just type a few words and VOILA!!! there it is, the song that I've been wanting to listen to. right there. right in my little computer. how magical is that? very.

so yeah. I'm realizing I am very uninteresting. I think that might not necessarily be it, it's just that I'm not a very "share-y"person. I shall undertake some stuff that will be more interesting and that I would be willing to share. There I said it, so now it must happen.

Friday, August 12, 2011

YouTube ruined my life

That's probably a bit dramatic but seriously, like a vampire sucks the blood out of you, YouTube sucks the life out of me. I guess it would be more accurate to say it sucks up all my time, I don't know why I thought of the vampire comparison, it really makes no sense now that I look at it.

Point: I spend a lot of time on YouTube. A lot. A lot.

I go to watch a video and then just one more video and then it's three hours later and I haven't done anything all day. It really sucks you a vampire...heh... :|. There are few reasons why I really like YouTube and prefer it to TV.

#1. the videos are short, most are under 20 minutes. You can just catch a quick video in between whatever.
#2. the videos are not heavily produced, they're often written/produced/directed etc etc by the people you see in the video
#3. kind of goes with #2, you see "normal" people just being people. I guess this and #2 mainly refer to vlogs.
#4. in most cases there is very little money involved in making of the videos which means that there is a lot of freedom.
#5. because there isn't a lot of money and studios involved there is a wide variety of entertainment and pretty much everyone can find something they like.

One of my favorite "YouTubers" lately has been MrArturoTrejo I just love his sense of humor. He is one of those YouTube partners who actually has a "real job" as a lawyer (though he seems a bit reluctant to even mention the word "lawyer") I don't think that having a job outside of YouTube really makes much of a difference, other than maybe he feels less pressure to pump out videos constantly because it is not his main source of income. That said, he is pretty regular with them. He posts videos every Thursday or Tursday aka Trejo Tursday and even sometimes throws in a "Trejo Treat" sometime during the week. His videos are on the shorter side rarely ever exceeding five minutes. I find myself laughing out loud very often while watching them.

My favorite things about MrArturoTrejo's videos

1. His dry sense of humor
2. His adorable 2 year old son Jose Louis
3. His frequent use of the Spanish language because his wife is half Mexican and it's very clear he is a fan of that culture.

My mind's racing from chasing pirates

letters. words. sentences. paragraphs. i am such a wonderful writer.

yesterday i couldn't blog because there was site maintenance or something of the sort. and of course i had so many interesting things to say then but i don't remember them now. i might be lying.

Approximately $25 million is spent each year on lap dances in Las Vegas"? This may be not true I don't know, I got it off the internet. Does the internet ever lie? I'm not sure. $25 million huh? I would've actually thought it was more. don't they have places that are open like 24/7? cheap people in Las Vegas. Do me a favour, if you ever are in Las Vegas and have a lap dance, tip your dancer well. I once knew a "dancer". I actually knew her from church. I love irony. Was that ironic or just coincidental? I'm not sure. I think it's a nice anecdote. "I know a stripper, I met her at church, har har har"... ok maybe it's not that funny or at all. I have to go chase pirates now. Bye. Peace. Love. Don't forget to tip your lady ;)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I don't want to

I really don't feel like blogging today but I haven't yesterday and I feel that if I don't today then I won't tomorrow and that will be that and it can't be that. I'm tired. I didn't do anything today. Tomorrow I want to just sit outside all day, hopefully that will happen. Hopefully I can wake up early. I should check if there is any interesting tennis on tomorrow, that might get me to wake up. I am really angry at these London riots it is ridiculous. I really wonder how these people are justifying robbing stores to themselves. I hope every single one of them gets arrested then they will see what tough life really is. I mean how difficult can you life be if you have a blackberry that you can use to whine about it? Like, I'm pretty sure you can't be hurting THAT much for money. yeah.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I think things

A few days ago or something I said I would talk about religion but I decided I didn't really want to. I had that post kind of thought out and just decided I didn't want to write it. I will share the moral of it though. Basically, whenever someone does something stupid/disgusting/wrong etc etc and uses God/gods to justify it, people who don't believe in God/gods or who don't happen to believe in that God/gods make all these comments about religion and all the negative aspects of it. It is OK to have opinions on this but I wish they would stop somehow believing that just because there is one idiot that goes out and does bunch of stupid things (whatever they may be however horrible they may be, stupid just seems to encompass a lot of different things) everybody else who is religious is just like that idiot. Not everyone believes in the same thing and that's fine and it's even fine when people think that what their neighbours believe is stupid or wrong but it's not fine to assume that everyone who calls themselves religious in the least would hide behind that just to go around and do stupid things like kill people or hurt people or abuse people or animals or whatever.

That's it. I think this is the extent of my religious talk. I don't really like to talk about it because I feel like I have my opinion on things and I am aware that other people have differing opinions and that what they say will probably not change mine and what I say will probably not change theirs so what is the point? Not that I think that it should never be discussed I just feel like I discussed it a lot in my life and I am fine with other people having different beliefs or opinions.

Look for Soulja Boy in the plane seat near you

It was a mystery that captivated millions of people for ages...did Soulja Boy really get a $55 mil. jet? Today I can say with some certainty that he did not.This all according to his representative. In fact our dear friend (this is the second time I write about him so we're basically best friends) actually owes around $26,000 to the state of California in back taxes AND he JUST paid off a $3,571 lien in Mississippi AND one of his homes was foreclosed on. Basically the guy is all talk no game. G5 status wannabe but he ain't even a simple G, yeah yeah. I'm basically the best rapper in the world, word up yo! He probably can't even Robin a hoe much less Superman her!*

The money thing comes from here
*I couldn't think of a Superman sidekick so you have to settle for Batman's main man, they're all basically the same.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Everything happens for a reason

Or so they say. The reason I think is to learn from whatever it is that happens. This is where my problem occurs. So far in my life I have learned not to trust people and not to ever have faith in people, that wouldn't have been too much of a problem if it wasn't for a fact that you have to trust and have faith in people in order to be successful. You have to trust someone to help you out with what you want to do because there are very few things in this world that you can do just by yourself. But ever since I was a child all I have learned was that people let you down. I have enough of a problem trusting people and confiding in people and just being around people, these lessons of "one day for seemingly no reason this person that you somehow felt close to and somehow trusted will fuck you over". These are not good lessons for a person with commitment and trust issues. I mean at this point I cannot even see ever getting married because how could I possibly trust someone for the rest of my life?! That's a long time, well we're hoping, by we I mean I. And the thing is I have tried it both ways, I've been all out there and it came back to bite me and I've been a lot less out there and that came back to bite me as well. What is a person to do? Does one take out an ad in the newspaper?
"Looking for a trustworthy person without a bitchy streak to just exist and hang out with me sometimes, good hygiene and bilingualism mandatory. Must have opposing taste in men, can't look better than me in my clothes. Must be able to see past own nose, nose size unimportant" ?

Do people still read newspapers?

Short story long, my point is that I thought the point was for me to allow more people into my life but all my experiences with them make me think that the logical thing would be to run away from them. Me, Myself and I that's all I got in the end. Thanks Beyonce.

Friday, August 5, 2011


So I thought I would get a blog done early today and that it would be epic (ok just not sucky). Well that obviously did not happen. So what to say what to say. well i worked out today so that was good. i ate not very healthy but then again i really don't know if i ever will. i did have a smoothie which was pretty gross because i added protein powder to it but i made myself drink the whole big glass so yeah, that was good i guess. now my eyes are closing and i can't really keep typing without falling asleep while i do. so goodnight.


Sometimes life leads us in a direction we would've never imagined and at first it's scary and uncomfortable but after a while you realize it's the way you were meant to go.

I am really tired, it's late so that's all that I could get down on paper ("") right now but someday soon I do want to talk about:1. religion and stuff (nothing too serious) 2. Kate Middleton and her twice worn dresses 3. Soulja boy update 4. there was something else but i forgot.

I kind of like life right now.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today's blog is canceled due to a headache caused by people who annoy me. People who try to prove a point that doesn't exist.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leave me alone and don't bitch about it!!

Why do people find it so difficult to accept introverts? Why is it so difficult for people to understand that sometimes all we want to be is alone? We have to adjust to live in this world where people ask you stupid questions you don't want to answer, we have to talk to people we do not want to talk to on daily basis and we deal with it. So why is it so hard for you to just come to terms with the fact that when once in a while we tell you we just want a me day? Why do you have to make a big deal about it like for some reason it's a cop-out? I don't give you attitude when you blow me off to hang out with your boyfriend, or go to some party or whatever. So don't give me attitude when I tell you that I want to be alone, that I need to be alone. It is really not that hard to understand, you don't have to know how it feels to like having some time just for yourself all you have to know is that some people like it and you should respect that.

Miley Cyrus Saves the Gays!

Gay people of the world, don't you worry your fabulous selves, Miley Cyrus is watching out for you!!!! Oh what's that? Oh, you don't care? Oh, ok.

Everyone's favorite pop tart* recently got herself a tattoo of "=" (an equal sign) on her finger. Apparently it is to signify her support for equality in marriage. Well, OK, sure let the gays be married and gay (get it? gay as in happy? ok) I am all for it. But Miley Cyrus getting a tattoo to make a point about it is sort of like me getting a tattoo in support of insurance covering Viagra prescriptions, sure I'm in favour but really who cares? It is nice of celebrities to support a worthwhile issue but sometimes I wish they would just shut up. How does Miley's tattoo help anyone? It doesn't but here she is thinking she is this great person that stands for something great. It is actually pretty disgusting that people are taking advantage of an issue to make themselves look shinier. Sometimes these people need to realize that the public doesn't like them for their highly intellectual opinions (*/sarcasm*) but for their ability to shake their half naked ass on stage.

*Statement may lack factual support.